Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hang Chakra sick in jail

Hang Chakra (Photo: Leang Delux, RFI)

23 August 2009
By Pen Bona
Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

Hang Chakra, the editor-in-chief of the Khmer Machas Srok newspaper who is currently being jailed in Prey Sar prison, is currently sick and is facing health deterioration. His family and defense lawyer have expressed concerns about his health condition. Hang Chakra’s health condition could be the reason why he hesitates whether to continue his case to the Supreme court or to find an arrangement outside the legal system.

Hang Chakra is currently facing a severe case of flu and his health is seriously deteriorating, he is tired and lost a lot of weight, Hang Pisey, Hang Chakra’s daughter, indicated on Saturday. The situation worries very much Hang Pisey’s family.

Choun Chou-ngy, Hang Chakra’s defense lawyer, also indicated about his concern about his client’s health condition. According to Chuong Chou-ngy, doctors from the Licadho human rights group, visited Hang Chakra several times already and his family also bought medicines for him as well.

Hang Chakra is the 56-year-old editor-in-chief of the Khmer Machas Srok, a newspaper known to be opposing the government. He was sentenced by the Phnom Penh municipal court to 12 month in jail and he was order to pay 9 million riels ($2,250) in fine for publishing disinformation.

The government lawyer sued Hang Chakra after his newspaper published an article titled “Mr. Hun Sen breaks up the nest of officials close to Mr. Sok An.” The article was deemed as disinformation by the Council of Ministers, and it was considered as an article that incites the internal breakup of the government.

Hang Chakra lost his case twice already. On 11 August, the Appeal court decided to stay on the sentence handed down by the Phnom Penh municipal court. It is not yet known whether Hang Chakra will take his case to the Supreme court or not. Chuong Chou-ngy claimed that, as of now, his client has not decided yet.

Hang Chakra is hesitating whether to bring his case to the Supreme court or end the case through an arrangement outside the legal system. His health condition and the livelihood of his family are necessities that could force Hang Chankra to find a mean to get out of jail.


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