Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cambodia MP to fight defamation verdict

Tue, 4 Aug 2009

Zulfikar Abbany
ABC Radio Australia

A Cambodian politician sued for defamation by Prime Minister Hun Sen says she will appeal against a verdict in his favour.

Opposition MP Mu Sochua, a former women's affairs minister, acknowledges she has little chance of winning the appeal.

But she says she will persevere with her case to shine a light on Cambodia's justice system.


"I want to put justice on trial. It looks very dark for me to win the appeal, but nevertheless I want to take one layer - layer by layer layer - of what the justice system in Cambodia is all about," she said in an interview with Radio Australia's Asia Pacific.

Prime Minister Hun Sen sued Mu Sochua after she brought a defamation case against him earlier in the year.

Her case was thrown out of court several months ago, but the Prime Minister's case proceeded.

Some observers say the case is part of a government crackdown on its critics.

Mu Sochua's last lawyer quit the case due to intense political pressure.


As part of its ruling, the court ordered Mu Sochua to pay a fine of $US4,000, about half of which will go to the Prime Minister.

In the past Mu Sochua has said she would sooner go to jail than pay the fine.

Asked about her position on the fine, Mu Sochua said she would follow through with the appeal before making a final decison.

"I was not served justice today," she said.

"My stands remain the same. I will continue to pursue justice. I have one more month to appeal, which is the next step. I will consider that step in the next few weeks."


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