Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cambodia & Vietnam: tie that needs our measure and evaluation

We have escaped from civil war but dangerously slip into Vietnam's absorbing hole under their "political economy" strategy. We can say China has helped to block Vietnam's hegemony over Cambodia, but how honesty if China allowed Vietnam to take over Cambodia and China will take all this region later. On the other hand, there are evidences that China has pressured Vietnam about border conflict between them both. So truthfully China oppresses Vietnam, Vietnam oppresses Cambodia.

The strengthening tie Cambodian government and Vietnam has created make us wonder in many aspects. Any tie and corporation are good for mutual understanding and development, but the tie between incumbent Cambodian government and Vietnam has showed us only the self-destruction of Cambodia. The following policies might help us to understand more the above claimed ramification:
  • The border demarcation which has been singly helped by Vietnam and their expertise.
  • The national media and Hun Sen have frequently and publicly claimed the legitimacy of Vietnamese troops presence in January 7, 1979.
  • Triangle border zone plan between Cambodia, Vietnam and Lao (of course Vietnam) for development. Japan has already funded this project. But who are Cambodian expertise who take in charge of this plan? Is it only Vietnamese who planned and monitored all those projects?
  • Cambodian airline that is franchising with Vietnam. Of course, no Cambodian expertise and personnel are working or monitoring this company. On the other hand, why Vietnam? Why not Japan, France and others who can also invest this prestigious national airline? Was it pre-arranged for Vietnamese company since the beginning like the concession of Angkor Wat?
  • The listing of Preah Vihea temple to be recognized by UNESCO and the conflict with Thailand...who benefit more, Cambodia or Thailand or Vietnam? ICJ has already recognized Preah Vihea as it is belonged to Cambodia. What is the significance and prudence of listing this temple to UNESCO...Sok An can take the land back from Thailand to Cambodia? Or it is just a policy to forget Vietnam and allow Vietnam to continue take Cambodia land more?
  • etc
Of course there are many things and many words to describe the self-destruction approaches of incumbent Cambodian government. One of the important hypothesis we make here is that when this county is not governed by the rule of laws, the independent court, and democratic principle. We can clearly reiterate that Cambodia has been moving to self-suicide. Under those policies of Hun Sen illustrate the death of Cambodia in the near future. Vietnam will take over our land easily. We have escaped from civil war but dangerously slip into Vietnam's absorbing hole under their "political economy" strategy. We can say China has helped to block Vietnam's hegemony in Cambodia, but how honesty if China allowed Vietnam to take over Cambodia and China will take all this region later. On the other hand, there are evidences that China has pressured Vietnam about border conflict between them both. So truthfully China oppresses Vietnam, Vietnam oppresses Cambodia.

Lao has already fallen into Vietnam's trap, Cambodia is next if the policies and political environment is like the present day.


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